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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Institute for General Didactics and School Pedagogy (Institut für Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik / IADS)

The Institute for General Didactics and School Pedagogy (Institut für Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik / IADS) at TU Dortmund University in research and teaching concerns itself with the school as an institution and organization, its history and differentiation in modern national, international and transnational education systems. This involves the interrelation between school theory, school reform, and school improvement, the modelling of general didactics, as well as theories, concepts, and methods of teaching and learning in an inclusive school shaped by migration and diversity. As a societal framework of reference, school has to assure itself of an education following a democratic and child rights´ perspective in order to strengthen the quality of learning and educational success. This also requires a research- and evidence-based teacher education which enables future teachers to develop professional competencies and a critical-reflective mindset by closely linking theory and practice. In addition, the Institute for General Didactics and School Pedagogy follows an intercultural and international comparative perspective on school and school systems.

The professors and their teams at the Institute for General Didactics and Schools Pedagogy are actively involved in national and international school development, improvement and research networks and represent the field of general didactics and school pedagogy in a broad range of topics. Teaching and research areas are: Current and historical aspects of school development, heterogeneity at school and performance assessments supporting learning, professionalism of teachers and teaching quality, profiles and concepts of good schools, intercultural education, international school models and transnational educational spaces, intercultural and international comparative school development research as well as teacher professionalization processes.